I'm trying to stream the camera feed into a MTKView for applying some CI filter to the live stream. After initializing the capture session and having layout the MTKView, here is how I set metal (metalView is the MTKview):
func setupMetal(){
metalDevice = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()
metalView.device = metalDevice
// Write when asked
metalView.isPaused = true
metalView.enableSetNeedsDisplay = false
// Command queue for the GPU
metalCommandQueue = metalDevice.makeCommandQueue()
// Assign the delegate
metalView.delegate = self
// ???
metalView.framebufferOnly = false
I then grab frames from the SampleBufferDelegate and get a CIImage
extension ViewController: AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate {
func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
//try and get a CVImageBuffer out of the sample buffer
guard let cvBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer) else {
//get a CIImage out of the CVImageBuffer
let ciImage = CIImage(cvImageBuffer: cvBuffer)
self.currentCIImage = ciImage
// We draw to the metal view everytime we receive a frame
I then use the currentCIImage to draw in the MTKView using its delegate methods:
extension ViewController : MTKViewDelegate {
func mtkView(_ view: MTKView, drawableSizeWillChange size: CGSize) {
//tells us the drawable's size has changed
func draw(in view: MTKView) {
//create command buffer for ciContext to use to encode it's rendering instructions to the GPU
guard let commandBuffer = metalCommandQueue.makeCommandBuffer() else {
//make sure we actually have a ciImage to work with
guard let ciImage = currentCIImage else {
//make sure the current drawable object for this metal view is available (it's not in use by the previous draw cycle)
guard let currentDrawable = view.currentDrawable else {
//render into the metal texture
// Check here if we find a more elegant solution for the bounds
to: currentDrawable.texture,
commandBuffer: commandBuffer,
bounds: CGRect(origin: .zero, size: view.drawableSize),
colorSpace: CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB())
//register where to draw the instructions in the command buffer once it executes
//commit the command to the queue so it executes
It works fine and I'm able to get frames from the camera rendered in the MTKView. However, I noticed that I'm not getting the full resolution, somehow the image is zoomed in the MTKview. I know it is not an issue related to how I set the capture session because when I use the standard AVCapturePreviewLayer it is all fine. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks a lot in advance!
P.S This code is mainly based on this excellent tutorial: https://betterprogramming.pub/using-cifilters-metal-to-make-a-custom-camera-in-ios-c76134993316 but somehow it doesn't seem to work for me.
Depending on the setup of the capture session, the camera frames will not have the same size as your MTKView
. That means you need to scale and translate them before rendering to match the size of the currentDrawable
. I use the following code for that (inside draw
, just before the render
// scale to fit into view
let drawableSize = self.drawableSize
let scaleX = drawableSize.width / input.extent.width
let scaleY = drawableSize.height / input.extent.height
let scale = min(scaleX, scaleY)
let scaledImage = input.transformed(by: CGAffineTransform(scaleX: scale, y: scale))
// center in the view
let originX = max(drawableSize.width - scaledImage.extent.size.width, 0) / 2
let originY = max(drawableSize.height - scaledImage.extent.size.height, 0) / 2
let centeredImage = scaledImage.transformed(by: CGAffineTransform(translationX: originX, y: originY))