I am trying to map a jsonResponse with my Java entity class. The json response looks as follow
"section":"section c"
My Java Class for mapping might looks something like this. I will have an object of ClassSuggestion in order to map classSuggestion object. However how would the classSuggestion be to hold the json data as above ?
public class ClassResults {
ClassSuggestion classSuggestion
How would my ClassSuggestion be ?
public class ClassSuggestion {
String classes
String section
How do I map this to a Java Class or data type ?
I solved this by writing a custom deserializer:
class ClassSuggestionDeserializer extends StdDeserializer<Employee> {
public Map<String, String> deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext dc) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
ObjectCodec codec = jp.getCodec();
TreeNode node = codec.readTree(jp);
JsonNode classResults = node.get("classResults");
// and finally iterating through the classResults to get string values
Meanwhile on the data class,used JsonDeserialize using the custom deserializer.
public class ClassSuggestion {
Map<String, String> classResults;