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How to efficiently remove var in Scala

I am trying to solve problem


def minCost(arr: Array[Int]):Int = {

  val minHeap = scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue.empty[Int].reverse
  arr.foreach{ ele =>
    minHeap += ele
  var sum =0
  while(minHeap.size >1){
    val first = minHeap.dequeue()
    val second = minHeap.dequeue()
    val length = second + first//3+3 =6+9
    sum = sum + (first +second)//3+6+9

I want to get rid of while loop and var. Can anyone suggest a better solution?

tried below

val res =minHeap.foldLeft(0){
    val sum =x+y



  • If you only want to remove the var and while but still use a mutable PriorityQueue (which being honest is a good compromise and probably the best to do in real code) you can just use a tail-recursive method.

    type Ropes = List[Int]
    def connectRopes(ropes: Ropes): Int = {
      val queue = PriorityQueue.from(ropes).reverse
      def loop(remaining: Int, acc: Int): Int = {
        if (remaining == 0) acc
        else if (remaining == 1) acc
        else {
          val rope1 = queue.dequeue()
          val rope2 = queue.dequeue()
          val newRope = rope1 + rope2
          loop(remaining - 1, acc + newRope)
      loop(remaining = queue.size, acc = 0)

    But, if you want to write a fully immutable solution just to get used to work with immutable data structures you can do something like this:

    def connectRopesFullImmutable(ropes: Ropes): Int = {
      def loop(remaining: Ropes, acc: Int): Int =
        remaining match {
          case Nil =>
          case _ :: Nil =>
          case rope1 :: rope2 :: Nil =>
            rope1 + rope2 + acc
          case rope1 :: rope2 :: tail =>
            def findTwoMin(remaining: Ropes, min1: Int, min2: Int, acc: Ropes): (Int, Int, Ropes) =
              remaining match {
                case rope :: tail =>
                  if (rope < min1) findTwoMin(remaining = tail, min1 = rope, min2 = min1, min2:: acc)
                  else if (rope < min2) findTwoMin(remaining = tail, min1, min2 = rope, min2 :: acc)
                  else findTwoMin(remaining = tail, min1, min2, rope :: acc)
                case Nil =>
                  (min1, min2, acc)
            val (min1, min2, ropes) =
              if (rope1 < rope2) findTwoMin(remaining = tail, min1 = rope1, min2 = rope2, acc = List.empty)
              else findTwoMin(remaining = tail, min1 = rope2, min2 = rope1, acc = List.empty)
            val newRope = min1 + min2
            loop(remaining = newRope :: ropes, acc + newRope)
      loop(remaining = ropes, acc = 0)

    Answering the comment the space complexity of the problem is (AFAIK) O(1), since the algorithm is a tail-recursive function we are not consuming stack and we only manipulate the same list so we are also not consuming heap.
    The time complexity is O(N^2) because we have an inner loop inside the outer loop, this means this algorithm is very inefficient.

    We may try to optimize it a little by keeping the list of remaining ropes always sorted; as shown below. Which should give use O(N log(N)), but still requires a lot of boilerplate and inefficiency just for not using a mutable priority queue.

    def connectRopesFullImmutableOptimized(ropes: Ropes): Int = {
      def loop(remaining: Ropes, acc: Int): Int =
        remaining match {
          case rope1 :: rope2 :: tail =>
            val newRope = rope1 + rope2
            def insertSorted(remaining: Ropes, acc: Ropes): Ropes =
              remaining match {
                case rope :: ropes =>
                  if (newRope > rope) insertSorted(remaining = ropes, rope :: acc)
                  else acc reverse_::: (newRope :: rope :: ropes)
                case Nil =>
                  (newRope :: acc).reverse
            loop(remaining = insertSorted(remaining = tail, acc = List.empty), acc + newRope)
          case _ =>
      loop(remaining = ropes.sorted, acc = 0)

    You can see the code running in Scastie.