When you click a link, typically it changes to purple, so you know that you've clicked that link. Usually resetting once you refresh or leave the page. Is there a way to make an icon (SVG or ) act like a link when clicked? And not just the last one clicked. It would be every single icon that gets clicked. I was trying to use the :visited pseudo, but it wasn't working.
.visit {
fill: lightblue;
.visit:visited {
fill: green;
<a href="#"><svg>
<rect width='300' height='100' class='visit'></rect>
jQuery and JavaScript answers are fine, but if there's a way to do this with just HTML and CSS, that would be preferred.
is a link-related pseudo-class. It must be applied to the <a>
.visit {
fill: lightblue;
a:visited .visit { /* Fix here */
fill: green;
<a href="#"><svg>
<rect width='300' height='100' class='visit'></rect>