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Await CompletableFutures inside a CompletableFuture?

I am trying to execute an async operation which awaits multiple other async operations. How exactly do I do this with CompletableFutures?

Here's what I want to achieve without calling join, I actually want that those triggered operations run async to each other.


   for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++) triggerOtherAsyncOperations();
   // Await triggered operations...

   return calculatedValueFromOperations;

Here's what I got so far. The problem is that CompletableFuture.allOf() does not work as intended. It simply does not block the async operation and continues, which breaks the future.

var queryTask = database.getAsync("select i from Identity i where in "+list.toString(), Identity.class);
var loadComponentsTask = queryTask.thenApplyAsync(identities -> {

    var loadingTasks = new HashSet<CompletableFuture<Set<Integer>>>();
    var typeIDs = HibernateComponentUtils.mergeByComponents(identities, prototypeHierachy::get);

    // Start all loading tasks
    for(var entry : typeIDs.entrySet()){

        var sqlList = HibernateQueryUtils.toSQLList(entry.getValue());
        var loadingTask = loadEntitiesAsync(entry.getKey(), " where in "+sqlList);

    // Await all started loading tasks without blocking the mainthread
    var loadingTasksArray = loadingTasks.toArray(CompletableFuture[]::new);

    // Add all loaded entities from each task to a set
    var loadedEntities = new HashSet<Integer>();
    for(var task : loadingTasks) loadedEntities.addAll(task.join());
    return (Set<Integer>)loadedEntities;

return loadComponentsTask;

Am I doing it wrong? What did I miss? What is the proper way to await async operations inside an async operation?


  • CompletableFuture.allOf(...) is not suppose to block. It returns a CompletableFuture and if you want to wait you can call join/get.


    But this is not the best solution.

    I think a better solution is this:

     var loadComponentsTask = queryTask.thenComposeAsync(identities -> {
                return CompletableFuture.allOf(loadingTasksArray)
                    .thenApply( v -> {
                       // Add all loaded entities from each task to a set
                       var loadedEntities = new HashSet<Integer>();
                       for(var task : loadingTasks) {
                       return (Set<Integer>) loadedEntities;