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Resque command works from terminal but not via bluepill

I am trying to get bluepill to monitor my resque workers.

If i run this command from my rails root as root user it starts up resque worker ok.

cd /var/www/; RAILS_ENV=production QUEUE=* bundle exec rake resque:work

but when i try to run it using bluepill it just keeps trying to start it and doesnt give me an error.

Here is my bluepill log showing it trying....!

W, [2011-07-12T22:58:21.640467 #19267]  WARN -- : [] Executing start command: cd /var/www/; RAILS_ENV=production QUEUE=* bundle exec rake resque:work
I, [2011-07-12T22:58:21.754392 #19267]  INFO -- : [] Going from down => starting

I, [2011-07-12T22:59:21.334300 #19267]  INFO -- : [] Going from starting => down
W, [2011-07-12T22:59:22.339873 #19267]  WARN -- : [] Executing start command: cd /var/www/; RAILS_ENV=production QUEUE=* bundle exec rake resque:work
I, [2011-07-12T22:59:22.479740 #19267]  INFO -- : [] Going from down => starting

it keeps doing this over and over.

here is my .pill file process

app.process("resque") do |process|
  process.start_command = "cd #{RAILS_ROOT}; RAILS_ENV=#{RAILS_ENV} QUEUE=* bundle exec rake resque:work"
  process.daemonize = true

  process.start_grace_time = 10.seconds
  process.stop_grace_time = 10.seconds
  process.restart_grace_time = 10.seconds

I have tried to extend the start grace time for if its not loading in the required time but not making a difference.

Please can anyone help with this ?

thanks in advance Rick


  • Not adapted to use bundle exec (a little old) but can be edited easily.

    This is my production environment Bluepill config, battle tested, happy to share.

    ENVIRONMENT = 'production'
    RAILS_ROOT  = ENV['RAILS_ROOT'] || "/var/www/myapp/current"
    Bluepill.application("myapp", :log_file => "/var/log/bluepill.log") do |app|
      app.uid = "ubuntu"
      app.gid = "ubuntu"
      4.times do |i|
        app.process("uploaders-#{i}") do |process|
          process.working_dir = RAILS_ROOT
 = "resque"
          queues = "amazon_upload"
          process.start_command = "/usr/bin/env VERBOSE=true RAILS_ENV=#{ENVIRONMENT} QUEUE=#{queues} rake resque:work --trace"
          process.stop_command = <<-EOF
          kill -QUIT {{PID}}
          while [ -e /proc/{{PID}} ]; do
            sleep 1
            let "sleep_count+=1"
            if [ $sleep_count -eq 60 ]; then
              kill -TERM {{PID}}
            if [ $sleep_count -ge 70 ]; then
              kill -KILL {{PID}}
          process.stdout = process.stderr = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/log/resque.log"
          process.pid_file      = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/tmp/pids/resque-uploader-#{i}.pid"
          process.daemonize     = true
          process.start_grace_time = 5.seconds
          process.stop_grace_time = 75.seconds
          process.restart_grace_time = 80.seconds
          process.checks :mem_usage, :below => 350.megabytes, :every => 1.minute, :times => 3