I can successfully pass single value in my mapbox setFilter() by using expressions like these:
var business_domain_values = {0 : 'Corporate', 1 : 'Industrial',
2 : 'Infrastructure', 3 : 'Institutional',
4 : 'Commercial', 5 : 'Residential',
6 : 'Healthcare', 7 : 'Science & Technology',
8 : 'Financial Facilities'};
map.setFilter('AW', ['any', ['in', 'Corporate', ['get', 'Business_Unit']]]);
map.setFilter('Key Prospect', ['==', ['get', 'Business_Unit'], business_domain_values[0]]);
However, I want to pass multiple values like Commercial, Industrial etc. for filtering out. Trying hard to build expressions like
Approach #1.
map.setFilter('AW', ['any', ['in', ['Corporate', 'Industrial'], ['get', 'Business_Unit']]]);
This resulted in
evented.js:145 Error: layers.AW.filter[1][1][0]: Unknown expression "Corporate". If you wanted a literal array, use ["literal", [...]].
Approach #2.
map.setFilter('AW', ['any', ['in', ['literal', ['Corporate', 'Industrial']], ['get', 'Business_Unit']]]);
This resulted in
evented.js:145 Error: layers.AW.filter[1]: Expected first argument to be of type boolean, string, number or null, but found array<string, 2> instead
Thanks for your time reading into this and your efforts you put into this are valuable.
Hit a similar snag last year. Think I have a solution for you! You need to switch the ordering of the the ["get"]
argument and ["literal"]
arguments I believe. This snippet should work for you.
map.setFilter("AW", [
["in", ["get", "Business_Unit"], ["literal", ["Corporate", "Industrial"]]
Here is a code sandbox link with a working example https://codesandbox.io/s/mapbox-filters-example-hhtg5
Hope this helps! I have been writing a series of guides for Mapbox that you might be interested in too. Here are some links: