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Calculating upper and lower limits using C++

I am writing a class that spits out polynomials based on a constants array a and exponent array b, such that this equation is generated:

enter image description here

However, this equation does not have a solution for f(0), but it can be calculated using the limits from both sides (given that they are equal). How could you implement this in C++, since I do absolutely not know where to start.


Thanks for the comments (I cannot comment yet). I was indeed a bit too fast with the coding, but I do nevertheless want to write the function myself, because that is exactly the thing I want to learn.


  • Generally, the limits for f(0) will depend only on the smallest exponent of the normalized polynom.

    The normalized polynom (as I call it) is the polynom, where all a values, that belong to a repeated b value are added up and only the non-zero a values are kept.

    1. If the smallest exponent is greater than 0, then f(0) = 0
    2. If the smallest exponent is 0, the corresponding a value is the result for f(0)
    3. If the smallest exponent is smaller than 0, the limits are positive and/or negative infinity
      • Even smallest exponent means the upper and lower limit goes same direction
      • Odd smallest exponent means the upper and lower limit goes opposite direction

    This approach only works for whole numbers b. At least I didn't investigate all the details for other cases.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <limits>
    #include <map>
    using namespace std;
    double f0(int* a, int* b, int n);
    int main()
        int a[] = {2, 4, 6, -2, 5, -4};
        int b[] = {2, 1, -1, -1, 0, -1};
        // number of values in array a and b
        int n = 6;
        double result = f0(a, b, n);
        cout << "f(0) = " << result << endl;
        return 0;
    double f0(int* a, int* b, int n)
        map<int, int> exponents;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
            exponents[b[i]] += a[i];
            // debug printing intermediate sums per exponent
            cout << b[i] << ": " << exponents[b[i]] << endl;
        int minExp = 0;
        for (auto it = exponents.begin(); it != exponents.end(); ++it)
            if (it->second != 0 && it->first < minExp)
                minExp = it->first;
        // no negative exponent. f(0) is defined by 0 exponents
        if (minExp == 0) return exponents[0];
        // minimum exponent is even => positive or negative infinity limit
        if (minExp % 2 == 0)
            return exponents[minExp] > 0
                ? numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
                : -numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
        // minimum exponent is odd => f(0) limits approach both positive AND negative infinity
        return numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();