I want to make a class function like the conceptual code below.
double function(){
"some process and return "
"another process and return"
where flag
is the boolean member of the class.
I want to make this function without using if
because I use this function many times.
The points are
If you want to call one of two different member functions depending on the value of a bool
without using an if
or something else that might lead to branching, you could create a table containing two function pointers and use that for lookup by using the bool
for indexing. If you only want to do this lookup when the value of the flag changes, you could store a pointer to the active function and only do the lookup when flag
is set.
Example where the member functions are also taking an argument:
#include <iostream>
class foo {
using func_t = double(foo::*)(double); // the type of the member functions
double some(double x) { return x * 3.14159; }
double another(double x) { return x * 3.14159 * 3.14159; }
double function(double x) {
return (this->*active)(x); // "active" only changes when "flag" is set
void set(bool x) {
flag = x;
// lookup without "if" to set the active function:
active = funcs[flag];
// a static table of the functions to be called - only initialized once
static constexpr func_t funcs[]{&foo::some, &foo::another};
bool flag = false;
func_t active = &foo::some; // the active function
int main() {
foo x;
std::cout << x.function(2.) << '\n';
std::cout << x.function(3.) << '\n';