I have:
"id": "2021-04-03T15-SV_Waldhof_Mannheim--Zwickau",
"something": {
"id": "12",
"value": 1.5
I want get value: 1.15, and store it in my variable. How can i do it with @JsonPropety?
@JsonProperty("something[value}") //how to do it correctly?
private float value;
How i parse JSON:
restTemplate.exchange(MY_GET_REQUEST, HttpMethod.GET, entity, new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<MyEntity>>(){})
I will be grateful for any help, if you know identical topics - just send link
UPDATED something.value does not work
The same problem with unpacking, such as:
public void setLng(Map<String, Float> coordinates) {
this.value= (Float.parseFloat(coordinates.get("value")));
Also does not work
You have 2 options:
UPDATE Such configuration is working for me
public static class Obj {
String id;
Float value;
public void value(Map<String, Object> obj) {
this.value = Float.parseFloat(obj.get("value").toString());