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C# Variable not changing after Assignment, Change shows in UI

In my scoreboard UI I have a box that is just an image with Score_Entries inside as children. There are 4 children, one for each player in the game. When the scoreboard starts up I have a function that assigns the text inside the Score_Entries Ui elements. To do this I have an array called Text[] playerNames and my UI elements are dragged into this in the inspector.

int i = 0;
foreach (Player test in PhotonNetwork.PlayerList)
    playerNames[i].text = test.NickName;
    allscores[i].text = 0.ToString();
    Debug.Log("Text inside the array: " + playerNames[i].text);
    Debug.Log("Player Name: " + test.NickName);

As you can see I have set the text inside my first Text element to equal a name of a player. However, what should happen is in the Debug statements the Player Name line output and the Text inside the array output should Show me the string stored inside test.NickName. say test is players name. playersNames[i].text should == test currently it shows playerNames[i] = TEST NAME which is my default text when creating the UI. However, in the game, the name of the player is shown correctly as test not TEST NAME.

I dont see how this is working can someone help?


  • the problem is i++ put i++ after

    Debug.Log("Text inside the array: " + playerNames[i].text);
    Debug.Log("Player Name: " + test.NickName);