In the My_Quotes table (see MyQuotes struct below) in the Db I am storing the ID of the contact that was selected from the users Contacts on the device. This way if the contacts information is changed the ID remains constant. So I pull the ContactID from the My_Quotes table in the Db and use it to build the ContactFullName, ContactFirst, ContactLast and ContactOrg with func get_ContactName_Org.
The problem I'm having is that ContactFullName, ContactFirst, ContactLast and ContactOrg (see QuoteList struct below) are not in the My_Quotes table. The error is: Fatal error: could not read String from missing column ContactFullName
I understand the error but adding these items into the My_Quotes table causes a host of other problems. How can I insert these items into theArray?
var theArray = [QuoteList]()
do {
try { db in
for quotes in try QuoteList.fetchAll(db, sql: "SELECT * FROM My_Quotes ORDER BY QuoteID")
let fullString = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).fullStaring
let first = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).firstName
let last = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).lastName
let org = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).clientOrg
theArray.append(QuoteList(QuoteID: quotes.QuoteID,
Quote_Number: quotes.Quote_Number,
Quote_Status: quotes.Quote_Status,
ContactID: quotes.ContactID,
ContactFullName: fullString, // This is not in the My_Quotes table
ContactFirst: first, // This is not in the My_Quotes table
ContactLast: last, // This is not in the My_Quotes table
ContactOrg: org, // This is not in the My_Quotes table
Inv_ID: quotes.Inv_ID,
Locked_Bool: quotes.Locked_Bool))
} catch {
print("Couldn't populate the quote list! \(error)")
static func get_ContactName_Org(contactID: String) -> (firstName: String, lastName: String, clientOrg: String, fullStaring: String)
let store = CNContactStore()
var theName = CNContact()
var theStaring: String = ""
var firstName: String = ""
var lastName: String = ""
var clientOrg: String = ""
do {
theName = try store.unifiedContact(withIdentifier: contactID, keysToFetch: [CNContactFormatter.descriptorForRequiredKeys(for: .fullName)])
} catch {
print("Fetching contact data failed: \(error)")
firstName = theName.givenName
lastName = theName.familyName
clientOrg = theName.organizationName
theStaring = theName.organizationName == "" ? theName.givenName + " " + theName.familyName : theName.givenName + " " + theName.familyName + ", " + theName.organizationName
return (firstName,lastName,clientOrg,theStaring)
struct QuoteList: Codable, FetchableRecord
let QuoteID: Int64
var Quote_Number: String
var Quote_Status: String
var ContactID: String
var ContactFullName: String // This is not in the My_Quotes table
var ContactFirst: String // This is not in the My_Quotes table
var ContactLast: String // This is not in the My_Quotes table
var ContactOrg: String // This is not in the My_Quotes table
var Inv_ID: Int64?
var Locked_Bool: String
struct MyQuotes: Codable, FetchableRecord
let QuoteID: Int64
var Quote_Number: String
var Quote_Date: String
var Quote_Status: String
var NumOf_People: String?
var Event_Venue: String?
var Routine_ID: Int64?
var Routine_Price: Double?
var Quote_Deposit: Double?
var Deposit_Date: String?
var Age_Range: String?
var Lodging_Exp: Double?
var Gas_Exp: Double?
var Meals_Exp: Double?
var Miscel_Exp: Double?
var Airfare_Exp: Double?
var Show_Start: String?
var Show_End: String?
var Show_Date: String?
var Notes_Exp: String?
var ContactID: String
var Quote_Rejection: String?
var Inv_ID: Int64?
var Quote_Discount: Int?
var Locked_Bool: String
First, do not have QuoteList
adopt the FetchableRecord
. Why? Because the database rows do not contain enough information to build QuoteList
. FetchableRecord
comes with an init(row: Row)
initializer that is impossible to correctly fulfill, as the fatal error tells you. It is a programmer error to have QuoteList
adopt FetchableRecord
and feed it with database rows that do not contain enough information.
is a protocol that comes with handy fetching methods, and that's why you were attracted by it. But now that it is clear that QuoteList
needs something else, it is time to fetch differently.
One possible technique is to fetch raw database rows:
// Instead of:
// for quotes in try QuoteList.fetchAll(db, sql: "SELECT * FROM My_Quotes ORDER BY QuoteID")
for rows in try Row.fetchAll(db, sql: "SELECT * FROM My_Quotes ORDER BY QuoteID") {
let fullString = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).fullStaring
let first = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).firstName
let last = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).lastName
let org = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).clientOrg
let quoteList = QuoteList(
QuoteID: row["QuoteID"],
Quote_Number: row["Quote_Number"],
Quote_Status: row["Quote_Status"],
ContactID: row["ContactID"],
ContactFullName: fullString,
ContactFirst: first,
ContactLast: last,
ContactOrg: org,
Inv_ID: row["Inv_ID"],
Locked_Bool: row["Locked_Bool"])
Another technique is to define an actually fetchable model:
struct PartialQuoteList: Codable, FetchableRecord
let QuoteID: Int64
var Quote_Number: String
var Quote_Status: String
var ContactID: String
var Inv_ID: Int64?
var Locked_Bool: String
for partial in try PartialQuoteList.fetchAll(db, sql: "SELECT * FROM My_Quotes ORDER BY QuoteID") {
let fullString = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).fullStaring
let first = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).firstName
let last = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).lastName
let org = ModelData.get_ContactName_Org(contactID: quotes.ContactID).clientOrg
let quoteList = QuoteList(
QuoteID: partial.QuoteID,
Quote_Number: partial.Quote_Number,
Quote_Status: partial.Quote_Status,
ContactID: partial.ContactID,
ContactFullName: fullString,
ContactFirst: first,
ContactLast: last,
ContactOrg: org,
Inv_ID: partial.Inv_ID
Locked_Bool: partial.Locked_Bool)