I have an icon that displays an alert for each student. It contains some big string and I am required to add some links based on some variables.
Example of alert input: 'Alex was the best student in Math with 6.'.
Example of alert output: 'Alex' is clickable (but I need to use Angular Router in order to avoid reload page). 'Alex' is a variable that I get from 'item.item.alert'.
Example of an 'item.item.alert' string: 'ALEX|MATH|6' where the first element is the student name, the second element is the course and the third element is its grade. So I format this string using 'FormatAlert' function.
Summarizing, I need to make 'Alex' or whatever given student clickable. I tried to add an click event listener but I always get 'null' of 'undefined' when I printed '#coursesAlert' using @ViewChild and ngAfterViewInit().
<ng-template #courses let-item="value">
<!-- Template of Popover -->
<ng-template #coursesAlert>
<div [innerHTML]="FormatAlert(item.item.alert) | safeHtml"></div> <--- Alert output (to fix)
<!-- Popover Configuration -->
<div class="hidden-md-down">
<i *ngIf="item.item.alert"
class="fas fa-exclamation-circle text-danger ml-1 mr-1"
I just replicate the situation here (Objective is to handle just one word on a large text): https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-mdqz9b-74ins9?embed=1&file=src/app/popover-tplcontent.html
What I understand is that you want to make the names clickable only. I refactored your formatGrades method to return name, and content separately.
formatGrades: any[] = this.grades.split("|||").map(grade => {
let name: string = grade.split("|")[0];
let course: string = grade.split("|")[1];
let gradeResult: string = grade.split("|")[2];
var content = " got in " + course + " the grade of: " + gradeResult + '.';
return {name : name, content: content};
now in the UI can make the name a clickable button. you can style your button using css here too.
<div *ngFor="let item of formatGrades">
class="fas fa-exclamation-circle text-danger ml-1 mr-1"
<br />
<br />
<ng-template #publicAlertContent>
<button (click)="onNameClick($event)">{{item.name}}</button>