In Java 8, the Duration
class offered the toDays
method, returning a total number of days as a count of 24-hour chunks of time unrelated to calendar days.
In Java 9, the Duration
class gained handy to…Part
methods: toDaysPart
, toHoursPart
, toMinutesPart
, toSecondsPart
, toMillisPart
, toNanosPart
. I understand the need for the hours, minutes, etc. But I wonder about toDaysPart
My question is:
➥ Will Duration#toDays
and Duration#toDaysPart
ever return different values for a particular Duration
In Java 11, these lines of source code in OpenJDK are exactly the same.
public long toDays() {
return seconds / SECONDS_PER_DAY;
public long toDaysPart(){
return seconds / SECONDS_PER_DAY;
As of Java 16, no indication is made as to which is deprecated or which is not. So...keep your eyes peeled for it, is the best advice I could give you here.