I want to implemen a rule ;
Lets assume that ı have one input.json it consist a name value pair.Example; { "quality":"300" }
I have another constant json ,Example [{ "up":"100", "down":"0", "data":"xx" }, { "up":"200", "down":"100", "data":"yy" }, , { "up":"300", "down":"200", "data":"zz" } ]
I am trying to find propert value for data for which up and down range. for this one ı, have to get zz because "quality":"300" is between 200-300.
how can ı success this one in clips rule.
CLIPS (6.31 6/12/19)
(deftemplate pair
(slot name)
(slot value))
(deffacts pairs
(pair (name "quality") (value 300)))
(deftemplate data
(slot name)
(slot up)
(slot down))
(deffacts data-values
(data (name "xx") (up 100) (down 0))
(data (name "yy") (up 200) (down 100))
(data (name "zz") (up 300) (down 200)))
(defrule in-range
(pair (name "quality")
(value ?value))
(data (name ?name)
(up ?up)
(down ?down))
(test (and (> ?value ?down) (<= ?value ?up)))
(printout t ?name " is in range." crlf))
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (facts)
f-0 (initial-fact)
f-1 (pair (name "quality") (value 300))
f-2 (data (name "xx") (up 100) (down 0))
f-3 (data (name "yy") (up 200) (down 100))
f-4 (data (name "zz") (up 300) (down 200))
For a total of 5 facts.
CLIPS> (agenda)
0 in-range: f-1,f-4
For a total of 1 activation.
CLIPS> (run)
zz is in range.