I am trying to get following representation of a month in German: Feb.
I tried so far:
dayjs(date).format('Do MMM YYYY')
With momentjs
you used to get 1. Feb. 2012
but with dayjs
I get 1. Feb 2012
. I tried MMMo
but didn't work.
There seems to be no format supporting a conditional '.' for cases such as the german "März". The cleanest workaround I could come up with is the following:
const date = dayjs("2019-03-24").locale("de")
date.format(`MMM${[2, 5, 6].includes(date.$M) ? '' : '.'} YYYY`)
This checks if the provided date is a month with 4 character (März, Juni or Juli) and does not add the '.' in such cases. All other months will be shortened with a '.' at the end, e.g. "Jan.", "Feb." etc..