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How do I represent a map of lists in a Spring properties file

How do I go about representing Map<String, List<String>> in a Spring .properties file?

To give an example scenario of the problem, I'd like to be able to add the following to a @Component:

private Map<String, List<String>> animalHabitats;

...and inject into it the following animal habitat info from a .properties file:

  • Home: Dog, Cat, Goldfish
  • Farm: Sheep, Goat
  • Zoo: Lion, Giraffe


  • Spring does this out of the box, but arranging it is not all that intuitive.

    Create your .properties file:

    In this example we'll create a in /src/main/resources:

    my-habitats={ \
      home: {'dog', 'cat', 'goldfish'}, \
      farm: {'sheep', 'goat'}, \
      zoo: {'lion', 'giraffe'} \

    Create a @Configuration class:

    public class HabitatConfiguration {
      public Map<String, List<String>> getHabitatConfig(@Value("#{${my-habitats}}") Map<String, List<String>> habitats) {
        return habitats;

    Inject the map into the @Component class:

    public class HabitatValidator {
      private final Map<String, List<String>> habitats;
      public HabitatValidator(Map<String, List<String>> habitats) {
        this.habitats = habitats;
      public void validateInput(String habitat, String animal) throws InvalidAnimalHabitatCombinationException {
        if (!habitats.get(habitat).contains(animal)) {
          throw new InvalidAnimalHabitatCombinationException("You won't find a " + animal + " in a " + habitat);

    That's it :)

    Making things a little safer

    For a little more type safety you could replace the Strings with enums. Just make sure that the values in the properties file line up with the enum entries. E.g.

    Without changing the contents of the file, add the following two enums:

    public enum Habitat {
      home, farm, zoo
    public enum Animal {
      dog, cat, goldfish, sheep, goat, lion, giraffe

    Then change the bean method in the configuration class to:

    public Map<Habitat, List<Animal>> getHabitatConfig(@Value("#{${my-habitats}}") Map<Habitat, List<Animal>> habitats) {
      return habitats;

    And inject it into the component like this:

    private final Map<Habitat, List<Animal>> habitats;
    public HabitatValidator(Map<Habitat, List<Animal>> habitats) {
      this.habitats = habitats;