I have two JavaScript codes.
I would like to import and use another one from one javaScript code.
I tried a few things to import, but there was an error.
This is my main code(main.js):
import * as test from "./noise";
const audioContext = new AudioContext({sampleRate: 48000});
const destination = audioContext.createMediaStreamDestination();
await NoiseNode.register(audioContext)
And, This is the code that I want to import(noise.js):
window.NoiseNode = (window.AudioWorkletNode || (window.AudioWorkletNode = window.webkitAudioWorkletNode)) &&
class extends AudioWorkletNode {
static async register(a) {
k = await h;
await a.audioWorklet.addModule(g + "other.js");
If i try to import as below,
import * as test from "./noise;
These errors occur:
Line 141:15: 'NoiseNode' is not defined no-undef
and then, If i try to import as below,
import * as NoiseNode from "./noise";
These errors occur:
Attempted import error: 'register' is not exported from './noise' (imported as 'NoiseNode').
How can I get everything at once?
Please give me some advice.
Thank you.
You have to export NoiseNode before importing it.
export window.NoiseNode = (window.AudioWorkletNode || (window.AudioWorkletNode = window.webkitAudioWorkletNode)) &&
after exporting, you may import it using the following code:
import * as NoiseNode from "./noise";