I have nlog configuration working fine on a C# program. the nlog config is done via standalone file nlog.config In a specific part of the code I want however to create an additional memory logger target in order to save this specific part of logs in a buffer ( i will later attach this buffer to a specific object in the database).
To do so i try to add programmatically the logger and its config. I check that the logger is added and the rule is added, however nothing comes to the newly created logger. I think i miss something to tell nlog to actually take in consideration the new logger . once the target function is executed i want to stop to log this piece of code, stil use the other loggers, and do the same thing on a next item.
I add the memory logger with this lines of code:
MemoryTarget memoryLogger = new MemoryTarget("memoryTarget");
memoryLogger.Layout = "${message}";
LogManager.Configuration.AddRule(LogLevel.Trace, LogLevel.Fatal, memoryLogger);
below you see the nlog config before i add the new logger:
below the config after the new logger is added:
I do not want to reinitialise all the nlog since it would reset my logfile, and i want a new log file at each process startup.
Thank you @Rolf Kristensen,
Permits to initialize the memory logger without resetting my other logger on File. By doing this the ConfigurationChanged/ConfigurationReloaded static events of LogManager are even not trigerred, and it works nicely! Great !
Final code to activate and desactivate temporarily the logs in memory:
MemoryTarget memoryTarget = new MemoryTarget("memoryTarget");
memoryTarget.Layout = "${message}";
var memoryRule = new LoggingRule("memoryRule");
memoryRule.EnableLoggingForLevels(LogLevel.Trace, LogLevel.Fatal);
memoryRule.LoggerNamePattern = "*";
_log.Debug("this is dumped in memory");
foreach (string s in memoryTarget.Logs)
Console.Write("---------mem dumped: {0}", s);
bool removed = LogManager.Configuration.LoggingRules.Remove(memoryRule);
_log.Debug("no more in memory");