Search code examples

LDAP query - Include query filter on result

I am performing a LDAP query that looks something like this:


And the result looks like this


I would like to have the value I placed on uid on the query associated with the result. Something like this would be ideal:


The reason why I need this is because in the case I need to do something like


I would like to have the result associated with the parameter it matches with, like this:


Is this possible? If so, how can I achieve it?

I am using libraries in the actual code. To test queries with a gui I am using LDAPAdmin.

Here is a code sample, for a single uid:

        fun getFromLDAP(uid: String): String? {
        return InitialDirContext(connectionsProperties).let { context ->
        val searchControls =
            SearchControls().also { controls -> controls.searchScope = SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE }
        val searchString = "(&(|(objectClass=ExternAccount)(objectClass=Person))(uid=$uid))", searchString, searchControls)
            .also { context.close() }

The Desired result would for the attributes.all call for the result of this function to contain also de uid, which is not happening right now.


  • It was an issue with permissions on the user being used to connect to the LDAP.