I am performing a LDAP query that looks something like this:
And the result looks like this
I would like to have the value I placed on uid on the query associated with the result. Something like this would be ideal:
The reason why I need this is because in the case I need to do something like
I would like to have the result associated with the parameter it matches with, like this:
Is this possible? If so, how can I achieve it?
I am using javax.naming.directory libraries in the actual code. To test queries with a gui I am using LDAPAdmin.
Here is a code sample, for a single uid:
fun getFromLDAP(uid: String): String? {
return InitialDirContext(connectionsProperties).let { context ->
val searchControls =
SearchControls().also { controls -> controls.searchScope = SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE }
val searchString = "(&(|(objectClass=ExternAccount)(objectClass=Person))(uid=$uid))"
context.search(config.searchBase, searchString, searchControls)
.also { context.close() }
The Desired result would for the attributes.all
call for the result of this function to contain also de uid, which is not happening right now.
It was an issue with permissions on the user being used to connect to the LDAP.