I'm currently making a shopping app with a shopping cart. I got the listview to display with the proper quantity and price but now have problems with trying to show the total price for checkout. There are 2 problems I'm facing :
How to get data from a whole column, right now I am only able to get data from the first index of the intended column.
When I clear the database/clear the cart, the app crashes, saying there is a null. Probably due to the cursor not able to get the read anything from the database.
CartDatabaseHelper.java getCartPrice() method
public Double getCartPrice() {
String query = "SELECT * FROM " + CartContract.CartEntry.TABLE_NAME + " WHERE Cart_Meal_Price";
SQLiteDatabase dbCart;
dbCart = this.getWritableDatabase();
Cursor cursor = dbCart.rawQuery(query, null);
do{if (cursor!=null) {
Double totalPrice = cursor.getDouble(2);
Double sum =+ totalPrice;
return sum;
} else {
return 0.00;
CartDataBaseHelper.java Declaration and Initialization of cart database
public static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;
public static final String DATABASE_NAME = "CartDatabase";
public static final String CART_TABLE = "CartTable";
public static final String CREATE_CART_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE " + CartContract.CartEntry.TABLE_NAME + " ( " +
CartContract.CartEntry.COLUMN_NAME + " TEXT ," +
CartContract.CartEntry.COLUMN_PRICE + " REAL , " +
CartContract.CartEntry.COLUMN_QUANTITY + " REAL ) " ;
SummaryActivity.java getTotalPrice() method
public void getTotalPrice() {
cartDB = new CartDatabaseHelper(this);
double total = cartDB.getCartPrice();
totalprice.setText("Total Price : RM" + total);
SummaryActivity.java Clear database onClickListener
clearthedata.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
int deletethedata = getContentResolver().delete(CartContract.CartEntry.CONTENT_URI, null, null);
cartDB = new CartDatabaseHelper(context);
double total = cartDB.getCartPrice();
if (cartDB != null) {
totalprice.setText("Total Price : RM" + total);
} else {
totalprice.setText("Total Price : RM0.00");
If you want to get the sum of all the values of the column CartContract.CartEntry.COLUMN_PRICE
in the table, then you need a query like:
SELECT COALESCE(SUM(price), 0) FROM tablename
is used to return 0
just in case the table is empty.
So your code should be:
public double getCartPrice() {
String query = "SELECT COALESCE(SUM(" + CartContract.CartEntry.COLUMN_PRICE + "), 0) FROM " + CartContract.CartEntry.TABLE_NAME;
SQLiteDatabase dbCart = this.getWritableDatabase();
Cursor cursor = dbCart.rawQuery(query, null);
double total = cursor.getDouble(0);
return total;
If you want to delete all the rows of the table, then:
SQLiteDatabase dbCart = this.getWritableDatabase();
dbCart.delete(CartContract.CartEntry.TABLE_NAME, null, null);