I have a question about how to filter the log on the $type field or by property in the log, I am trying all ways but to no avail. This is the log I have:
"@t": "2021-03-25T14:20:27.0883534Z",
"@mt": "{@UserEvent}",
"UserEvent": {
"Email": "email@test.com",
"ClientId": null,
"Endpoint": "UI",
"Name": "J.Thunders",
"SubjectId": "6c321d61-2e4b-4953-b6de-a1fddb80ab50",
"Provider": null,
"MachineName": "MyMachine",
"Category": "Authentication",
"EventType": "Success",
"Id": 1000,
"Message": null,
"ActivityId": "0HM7FJ4CUF78K:00000023",
"TimeStamp": "2021-03-25T14:20:24.0000000Z",
"ProcessId": 25684,
"LocalIpAddress": "",
"RemoteIpAddress": "",
"$type": "UserLoginSuccessEvent"
I tried with the following configuration, but nothing:
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
.WriteTo.Logger(cfg => cfg.Filter.ByIncludingOnly("type like '%User%'").WriteTo.File(new CompactJsonFormatter(),
Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "logs/log-.log"),
rollingInterval: RollingInterval.Day))
but neither works. Instead if i use filter by code like this:
it works.
How can I do to get this filter, can I filter it based on the TypeOf?
The only thing not to write the expression of the filter through code (linq etc.), why then do I have to bring it back into the app settings?
Assuming you are using Serilog.Expressions for the filtering, this line is close:
Filter.ByIncludingOnly("type like '%User%'")
To get to the $type
of the UserEvent
property, you need TagOf()
Filter.ByIncludingOnly("TagOf(UserEvent) like '%User%'")