I've created a mysql query which includes a subquery which I'd like to convert to a join query.
The reason I'm using a subquery is I need to have the where condition at the end applied to result of the that subquery. Here's the query:
select date, system_name, device_name, valid_read_rate from
(SELECT left(from_unixtime(c.capture_time/1000),10) as date, a.name as 'system_name', b.name as 'device_name', c.read_count, c.valid_object_count,
if(valid_object_count = 0,'00.00%',concat(format(read_count/valid_object_count*100,2),'%')) as valid_read_rate, read_count/valid_object_count*100 as valid_read_rate_unformatted
FROM sick_il_services.system_config a
join sick_il_services.system_device b
on a.id = b.system_id
join sick_il_aap.daily_device_read_rate c
on b.id = c.device_id
where 1=1
group by c.capture_time,a.name, b.name
order by c.capture_time, a.name, b.name) as sub
where sub.valid_read_rate_unformatted < 100
I'm just having trouble getting untracked on this. Any advice welcome.
As long as whatever format you are using allows you to filter columns later, the subquery wasn't particularly doing much from what I can tell. This should cover what you are doing, however, without a CREATE TABLE
syntax, I cannot verify the answer.
SELECT left(from_unixtime(c.capture_time / 1000), 10) as date,
a.name as 'system_name',
b.name as 'device_name',
if(valid_object_count = 0, '00.00%',
concat(format(read_count / valid_object_count * 100, 2), '%')) as valid_read_rate
FROM sick_il_services.system_config a
join sick_il_services.system_device b on a.id = b.system_id
join sick_il_aap.daily_device_read_rate c on b.id = c.device_id
where (c.read_count / c.valid_object_count * 100) < 100
group by c.capture_time, a.name, b.name
order by c.capture_time, a.name, b.name
In your comment, you mention that you might be looking for a summed average from your grouping. In that case, you might be looking to do something along the following
SELECT left(from_unixtime(c.capture_time / 1000), 10) as date,
a.name as 'system_name',
b.name as 'device_name',
if(valid_object_count = 0, '00.00%',
concat(format(read_count / valid_object_count * 100, 2), '%')) as valid_read_rate
FROM sick_il_services.system_config a
join sick_il_services.system_device b on a.id = b.system_id
join sick_il_aap.daily_device_read_rate c on b.id = c.device_id
group by c.capture_time, a.name, b.name
having (sum(read_count)/sum(valid_object_count)) < 1
order by c.capture_time, a.name, b.name