Our setup has an embedded manifest that triggers the UAC before the application starts. (The applications runs as an admin user). However, if the setup needs to install the .NET Framework, we have to continue the setup after a reboot. For this reason, we have to create a registry key in the current user's RunOnce.
Unfortunatly, HKEY_CURRENT_USER points to the Administrator's registry. We need to find out the user that is currently logged in and started the installation. (Th normal USER clicked the setup.exe, an ADMIN entered his details in the UAC prompt. We need to find out who the USER was)
I've tried all the usual methods (Environment.UserName, WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent())
You can use the LsaEnumerateLogonSessions function to retreive what you need. However, it is a winapi C function call. If you need a managed version of it, I belive you can look at the source code for Cassia, which uses this function in its terminal services API. The call should be the same. You can also look here.
Also you can use the NetWkstaUserEnum WINAPI function. You can find a managed wrapper for it here
With Cassia library this code works fine:
ITerminalServicesManager manager = new TerminalServicesManager();
ITerminalServicesSession session = manager.CurrentSession;
string userInfo = session.DomainName + "\\" + session.UserName;
NTAccount account = session.UserAccount;