I have angular.js application in which I would like to initialize a web component.
It works perfectly fine on other browsers but it seems that IE11 has issues with
angular.js onInit function:
vm.$onInit = function() {
vm.params = $location.search();
if(vm.params.merchantId && vm.params.apiToken && vm.params.amount && vm.params.orderId) {
vm.mid = vm.params.merchantId;
vm.apiToken = vm.params.apiToken;
vm.amount = vm.params.amount;
vm.orderId = vm.params.orderId;
let template = document.querySelector('#template');
let clone = document.importNode(template.content, true);
let cmp = clone.querySelector('cmp-request');
cmp.setAttribute('mid', vm.mid);
<template id="template">
Is there any other way to clone web component and pass params inside without using importNode so it would work on IE11?
IE 11 doesn't support importNode
and replaceWith
. For importNode
, I use children
to get <template>
's children to get the web component in IE 11. For replaceWith
, I use this polyfill to support it in IE 11.
You can refer to my code sample with dummy values:
function ReplaceWithPolyfill() {
'use-strict'; // For safari, and IE > 10
var parent = this.parentNode,
i = arguments.length,
if (!parent) return;
if (!i) // if there are no arguments
while (i--) { // i-- decrements i and returns the value of i before the decrement
currentNode = arguments[i];
if (typeof currentNode !== 'object') {
currentNode = this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(currentNode);
} else if (currentNode.parentNode) {
// the value of "i" below is after the decrement
if (!i) // if currentNode is the first argument (currentNode === arguments[0])
parent.replaceChild(currentNode, this);
else // if currentNode isn't the first
parent.insertBefore(currentNode, this.nextSibling);
if (!Element.prototype.replaceWith)
Element.prototype.replaceWith = ReplaceWithPolyfill;
if (!CharacterData.prototype.replaceWith)
CharacterData.prototype.replaceWith = ReplaceWithPolyfill;
if (!DocumentType.prototype.replaceWith)
DocumentType.prototype.replaceWith = ReplaceWithPolyfill;
var template = document.querySelector('#template');
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') !== -1 || navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Trident/') > -1) { //IE11
var clone = template.children[0];
clone.setAttribute('mid', 'test');
} else {
var clone = document.importNode(template.content, true);
var cmp = clone.querySelector('cmp-request');
cmp.setAttribute('mid', 'test');
<template id="template">