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Ktor / Kodein - How to write Integration Tests

Currently I write a small demo-app which uses Ktor as its Application Environment and Kodein as the Dependency Injection Framework.

During the initialization of the Application I do import some modules, one of those I would like to replace during the initialization of the Integration Tests:

fun Application.module(testing: Boolean = false) {
logger.debug { "Starting main" }


di {
  bind<Json>() with singleton {
    Json {


In the test, I would like to use a different persistenceModule, say eg. a MemoryModule. My tests are initialized like:

fun start() {
  val configPath = ClassLoader.getSystemResource("application-acceptanceTest.conf").file
  engine = embeddedServer(CIO, commandLineEnvironment(arrayOf("-config=$configPath")))

  val disposable = engine.environment.monitor.subscribe(ApplicationStarted) { application: Application ->
    started = true

  while (!started) {

I have tried already to call


but this gives me (quite obviously) only access to the Ktor Feature, which is already initialized. Is anything like this possible at all?


  • Kodein-DI allows you to override dependencies. Regarding the following interface:

    interface Repository {
        fun save()
        fun find()

    You can have a production implementation, included in its own DI module:

    class PersistenceRepository : Repository {
        /* implementation */
    val persistenceModule = DI.Module("persistenceModule") {
        bind<Repository>() with singleton { PersistenceRepository() }

    and also a test implementation of that same interface:

    class MemoryRepository : Repository {
        /* implementation */
    val memoryModule = DI.Module("memoryModule") {
        bind<Repository>(overrides = true) with singleton { MemoryRepository() }

    Note the overrides parameter that needs to be explicit.

    You can pass a DI container to your Ktor function:

    val mainDI = DI {
    fun Application.main(di: DI) {
        di { extend(di) }

    And extend the mainDI in your tests, to override the proper bindings with the memoryModule:

    class ApplicationTest {
        val testDI = DI {
            import(memoryModule, allowOverride = true)
        fun myTest() {
            withTestApplication({ main(testDI) })
            // ...