How can I open the Emacs Agenda sections in a way that it separates the tasks in categories urgent-important like the Eisenhower Matrix... book: Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.
We want:
with a single keyboard stroke command?
I made it!:
(add-to-list 'org-agenda-custom-commands
'("1" "Eisenhower matrix"
((org-agenda-overriding-header "Urgent and important"))))
(add-to-list 'org-agenda-custom-commands
'("2" "Eisenhower matrix"
((org-agenda-overriding-header "Important but not urgent"))))
(add-to-list 'org-agenda-custom-commands
'("3" "Eisenhower matrix"
((org-agenda-overriding-header "Urgent but not important"))))
(add-to-list 'org-agenda-custom-commands
'("4" "Eisenhower matrix"
((org-agenda-overriding-header "Neither important nor urgent"))))
(setq org-lowest-priority ?E)
(setq org-default-priority ?E)
(add-to-list 'org-agenda-custom-commands
'("1" "Eisenhower matrix"
((org-agenda-overriding-header "Urgent and important"))))
(add-to-list 'org-agenda-custom-commands
'("2" "Eisenhower matrix"
((org-agenda-overriding-header "Important but not urgent"))))
(add-to-list 'org-agenda-custom-commands
'("3" "Eisenhower matrix"
((org-agenda-overriding-header "Urgent but not important"))))
(add-to-list 'org-agenda-custom-commands
'("4" "Eisenhower matrix"
((org-agenda-overriding-header "Neither important nor urgent"))))
;(org-toggle-sticky-agenda) ;generate differens agendas buffers in separated windows
(setq org-agenda-sticky t) ;generate differens agendas buffers in separated windows
(defun myAgenda1 ()
(org-agenda nil "1"))
;(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-x C-d") 'myAgenda1)
(defun myAgenda2 ()
(org-agenda nil "2"))
;(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-x C-l") 'myAgenda2)
(defun myAgenda3 ()
(org-agenda nil "3"))
;(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-x C-r") 'myAgenda3)
(defun myAgenda4 ()
(org-agenda nil "4"))
;(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-x C-p") 'myAgenda4)
(defun split-4-ways ()
;(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-x C-u") 'split-4-ways)
(defun makeAgendas ()
;(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-x C-t") 'makeAgendas)
(defun makeMatrix ()
(makeAgendas) ;it opens: *Org Agenda(1)*, *Org Agenda(2)*, *Org Agenda(3)*, *Org Agenda(4)*
(split-4-ways) ;make the 4 quadrant windows
(switch-to-buffer "*Org Agenda(1)*") ;put the Agenda(1) in the left, up quadrant
(switch-to-buffer "*Org Agenda(2)*") ;put the Agenda(2) in the right, up quadrant
(switch-to-buffer "*Org Agenda(4)*") ;put the Agenda(3) in the left, down quadrant
(switch-to-buffer "*Org Agenda(3)*") ;put the Agenda(4) in the right, down quadrant
(global-set-key (kbd "<f5>") 'makeMatrix)
With the org file:
* TODO [#A] Task 1
* TODO [#A] Task 2
* TODO [#B] Task 3
* TODO [#D] Task 4
* TODO [#C] Task 5
* TODO [#A] Task 6
* TODO [#C] Task 7
* TODO [#D] Task 8
* TODO Task 9
* TODO [#B] Task 10
* TODO [#B] Task 11
* TODO [#C] Task 12
* TODO Task 13