Scenario: I've written an application to open a list of .msg files (which have been dumped to the file system), grab some information from them (subject, To CC) and then move them.
Problem: However, when it comes to moving the file I get the following error:
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
Running Handle against the file only shows the tool I've written and no other handles.
I assume, therefore, that I'm not properly releasing the files when I've finished using them as Redemption MessageItem objects.
But I can't wrap them in a using statement, because they don't implement IDisposable. And they don't expose any public Close or Dispose or similarly named methods.
In short, I'm trying to ask:
a) How can I force my c# application to close a given handle, knowing only the path to the file handle?
b) Is there a way to force the Redemption objects to close?
var util = new MAPIUtilsClass();
MessageItem item = util.GetItemFromMsgFile(EmailPath, false);
item.Import(EmailPath, 3);
Subject = item.Subject;
From = (item.SenderName.Length < 96) ? item.SenderName : item.SenderName.Substring(0, 93) + "...";
To = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.To)) ? String.Empty : (item.To.Length < 96) ? item.To : item.To.Substring(0, 93) + "...";
CC = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.CC)) ? String.Empty : (item.CC.Length < 96) ? item.CC : item.CC.Substring(0, 93) + "...";
Sent = item.SentOn;
Received = item.ReceivedTime;
Log.Write("Redemption: Email data harvested" + EmailPath);
Do not use MAPIUtils.GetItemFromMsgFile
- it is deprecated.
Use RDOSession.GetMessageFromMsgFile
(or CreateMessageFromMsgFile
) - it returns IRDOMail
object which does support IDisposable