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Can not publish Google Calendar AddOn due missing explicit scopes - but why?

I am trying to publish my Google Addon but I receive the following error:

enter image description here

Which says that in order to publish an explicit list of oauthScopes is needed.

This is the oauthscope part of my appscript.json :

 "oauthScopes": [

I also checked in the AppScript Project -> Overview under "Project OAuth Scropes". The exact same scopes are present there.

I also added the exact same scopes in the OAuth Consent Screen of the corresponding GCP Project.

What else can I do?


so after I while I was checking the Scopes in the AppScript Project Overview again and for some reason there are now different. Especially one scope was automatically added which could be the problem:

Could it be that the source code was scanned and this scope was added automatically? How can I publish then?


  • I turns out that the issue was this scope which was automatically added. The reason was that I had the following line in the code which was actually not used anymore:


    So I removed it and it worked.