I use the fluentftp library to upload a folder to ftp. How i can skip the subfolders of the directory.
// upload only PDF files
var rules = new List<FtpRule>{
new FtpFileExtensionRule(true, new List<string>{ "pdf" }),
new FtpFolderNameRule(false, FtpFolderNameRule.CommonBlacklistedFolders)
// only allow PDF files
ftp.UploadDirectory(ServiceAbrechnungPath, @"/Abrechnungen",
FtpFolderSyncMode.Mirror, FtpRemoteExists.Skip, FtpVerify.None, rules);
You'll need to add a FtpFolderNameRule to exclude the subfolders.
Using your code, it'll look something like this;
using System.Linq
//Get a list of subfolders in the root folder without their path name.
//This should be just the folders in the root folder i.e. you don't need a recursive list of folders within these folders
var subfolders = Directory.GetDirectories(ServiceAbrechnungPath).Select(subDirectory => subDirectory.Remove(0, ServiceAbrechnungPath.Length)).ToList();
// upload only PDF files in the root of ServiceAbrechnungPath
var rules = new List<FtpRule>{
new FtpFileExtensionRule(true, new List<string>{ "pdf" }), // only allow PDF files
new FtpFolderNameRule(false, subfolders) // exclude subfolders
var uploadResult = ftp.UploadDirectory(ServiceAbrechnungPath, @"/Abrechnungen", FtpFolderSyncMode.Mirror, FtpRemoteExists.Skip,FtpVerify.None, rules);
The uploadResult
variable will contain a List<FtpResult>
showing which files were successfully uploaded and which folders/files were skipped by the rules.