I want to use textfield in my j2me application where in want to give constraint that user can enter 4digit numeric data only?? How can it be possible.
i had used this:-TxtField1.setConstraint(TextField.NUMERIC);
makes my textfield numeric but can't had constraint which enter 4
digits only!
As i want to make clock timer type of application.That when user enter the time in textfield like (10,7,3 etc..) and press ok User can see the number below the screen moving 0,1,2....etc.Now i had taker the image of 0-9 number to give a better look.Now i want to change that image at run time.
Means when the number comes 25.Then i have to take the image of number 2 and 5 For this purpose i want sprite
Is there any other way i can do this!!
Can anyone please help me for this? Thanks in advance
Use setMaxSize(4)
for limit the 4 digits only. AFAIK you can't use sprite with LWUIT. Why you want use Sprite with LWUIT?