I'm using jsforce find-api in order to search for an account by DOB which is a field of type Date
The call to the API looks like this:
const conn = await connection();
result = await conn.sobject(this.schema.Name).find(rawSObject, Object.keys(this.schema.Fields));
where rawSObject
looks like the following:
const rawSObject = { [AccountFields.PersonBirthdate]: moment(birthDate, 'MM/DD/YYYY').format('YYYY-MM-DD') };
but it fails with:
PersonBirthdate = '1985-12-12'
ERROR at Row:1:Column:985
value of filter criterion for field 'PersonBirthdate' must be of type date and should not be enclosed in quotes
const rawSObject = { [AccountFields.PersonBirthdate]: moment(birthDate, 'MM/DD/YYYY').toISOString();
but still getting the same error.
I also tried passing a date object:
const rawSObject = { [AccountFields.PersonBirthdate]: moment(birthDate, 'MM/DD/YYYY').toDate()
and this time I got a different error:
PersonBirthdate = Thu Dec 12 1985 00:00:00 GMT+0200
ERROR at Row:1:Column:1002
Bind variables only allowed in Apex code
at HttpApi.getError (/Users/nalfasi/dev/salesforce-gateway/node_modules/jsforce/lib/http-api.js:250:13)...
While searching the web, I also ran into the following thread: https://github.com/jsforce/jsforce/issues/851 and tried the suggestion there, specifically the one in the comment here: https://github.com/jsforce/jsforce/issues/851#issuecomment-594233217
rawSObject = { [AccountFields.PersonBirthdate]: { $eq: SfDate.toDateTimeLiteral(birthDateObj) };
and now I got a new error:
PersonBirthdate = 1985-12-11T22:00:00Z
ERROR at Row:1:Column:985
value of filter criterion for field 'PersonBirthdate' must be of type date and should not be enclosed in quotes
at HttpApi.getError (/Users/nalfasi/dev/salesforce-gateway/node_modules/jsforce/lib/http-api.js:250:13)
I also searched the web and found questions such as: Cannot Update Custom Date field via SalesForce API (JSforce)
and jsforce query method chain to find data between 2 dates
but they also weren't helpful
The mistake was a combination of treating DateTime
as a Date
object together with lack of examples in the documentation of jsforce.
Finally I was able to figure it out:
const birthDateObj = moment(birthDate, 'MM/DD/YYYY').toDate();
rawSObject = { [AccountFields.PersonBirthdate]: { $eq: SfDate.toDateLiteral(birthDateObj) };