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DQL query in Symfony 5 to fetch newest row of subset

I have a database with table called "message" with attributtes received, emitter, text, date. I want to select the last message that a user received, with max date.

With this code I get null value but the user have messages in the table:

 $message = $this->getEntityManager()
            'SELECT m FROM App\Entity\Message m WHERE
                m.receiver = :user
                m.createdAt = (SELECT MAX(m1.createdAt) FROM App\Entity\Message AS m1)
            'user' => $user


  • Your subquery doesn't include the user-condition; it fetches max(created) of messages, which is not necessarily one of the given user. But the subquery approach seems to overcomplicate things anyway.

    An easier way would be: select messages of user order by created and limit to 1

    in SQL

    SELECT m.* FROM messages WHERE user_id=:user ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1

    in DQL

        ->createQuery('SELECT m FROM App\Entity\Message m WHERE
            m.receiver = :user
            m.createdAt = (SELECT MAX(m1.createdAt) FROM App\Entity\Message AS m1)
            ORDER BY m.createdAt DESC LIMIT 1
            'user' => $user

    or even simpler (using doctrine repository interface)

      ->findOneBy(['user' => $user], ['created' => 'DESC'])

    Also: Probably you want to make sure you have an index over user_id, created on that table.