read -p "enter search term here: " searchT
if [[ $(cat test.txt | grep -wi '$searchT') ]]; then
echo "$(cat test.txt | grep '$searchT' && wc -l) number of matches found"
echo $(cat test.txt | grep '$searchT')
else echo "no match found"
exit 0
How do I make the script run if the if statement
is true. when i run the script the script will output the else
statement. because there is no value to compare with the grep command.
Here's another way to cache the results: mapfile
consumes its stdin into an array, each line is an array element.
mapfile -t results < <(grep -wi "$searchT" test.txt)
if ((num == 0)); then
echo "no match found"
echo "found $num matches"
printf "%s\n" "${results[@]}"