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Working with spring webflux reactive repositories results in nested Mono Object

public interface ApplicationDataRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<ApplicationData, Long> {

Working with spring webflux reactive repositories results in nested Mono Object.

applicationDataRepository.findById(100L).map(o -> {
    o.setName("changed name");

The above three lines of code results in Mono<Mono<ApplicationData>>. How can I transform this into Mono<ApplicationData> or avoid ending up in this situation ?


  • It's not WebFlux matter. It is a Reactive Streams programming model and its API implementation via Project Reactor. Please, make yourself familiar with it first of all:

    What you need is a flatMap operator of the Mono:

     * Transform the item emitted by this {@link Mono} asynchronously, returning the
     * value emitted by another {@link Mono} (possibly changing the value type).
     * <p>
     * <img class="marble" src="doc-files/marbles/flatMapForMono.svg" alt="">
     * @param transformer the function to dynamically bind a new {@link Mono}
     * @param <R> the result type bound
     * @return a new {@link Mono} with an asynchronously mapped value.
    public final <R> Mono<R> flatMap(Function<? super T, ? extends Mono<? extends R>>
            transformer) {

    The WebFlux is really just about a Web:

    The ReactiveCrudRepository is a part of Spring Data project:

    What I mean that it is wrong to call everything "webflux" since the subject is a bit broader than just Web.