guys i tried this one:
current: \netcoreapp2.1\ResultPath
target : \netcoreapp2.1\ReportPath\report1
AssemblyDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
Uri currentPath = new Uri(AssemblyDirectory + "//ResultPath");
Uri targetPath = new Uri(reportsSubDir);
Uri relPath = currentPath.MakeRelativeUri(targetPath);
In result i'm getting
relPath.OriginalString = ReportPath/report1
Why is not ../ReportPath/report1 ?
And now for example:
if i have
current: \netcoreapp2.1\ResultPath\Test
target : \netcoreapp2.1\ReportPath\report1
I'm getting correct result in this way
relPath.OriginalString = ../../ReportPath/report10
Could anyone explain me why in first step i'm getting bad Relative Path, but in second good
and any idea how can i fix it, if i want to use first and second examples in my way ?
Well, if you are using .NET 5, you're in luck, since new method was included: Path.GetRelativePath(string, string)
If not, we can always dig into MS .NET Framework code:
And copy implementation, which is:
static class PathHelper
internal static string GetRelativePath(string pathFrom, string pathTo)
Uri uri = new Uri(pathFrom);
string relativePath = Uri.UnescapeDataString(uri.MakeRelativeUri(new Uri(pathTo)).ToString());
relativePath = relativePath.Replace(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
if (!relativePath.Contains(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()))
relativePath = "." + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + relativePath;
return relativePath;
Usage then would be:
var p1 = @"C:\users\turek\source\";
var p2 = @"C:\users\turek\desktop\";
PathHelper.GetRelativePath(p1, p2);
// returns "..\\desktop\\"