I wrote a function that takes in an object that represents the DOM tree and outputs HTML strings. I used a DFS approach to traverse the object.
const tree = {
children: [
{ children: [{ children: ['bar'], tag: 'span' }], tag: 'div' },
{ children: ['baz'], tag: 'div' },
tag: 'body',
function fromTreeToString(root) {
if (!root.children) {
return root
return (
`<${root.tag}>` + '\n' +
`${root.children.map((node) => fromTreeToString(node)).join('\n')}` + '\n' +
The output is
I wonder how I can modify this function so that the output has a proper indentation to it. Ideally the output should look like
and ideally the user of this API can customize the indentation e.g. tabs vs. space
You could also first use recursion to return an array of lines, and only concatenate them at the end:
function fromTreeToString(root, indent='\t') {
const recur = root => root.children ? [
...root.children.flatMap(recur).map(s => indent + s),
] : root;
return recur(root).join('\n');
const tree = {children: [{ children: [{ children: ['bar'], tag: 'span' }], tag: 'div' },{ children: ['baz'], tag: 'div' },],tag: 'body'}
console.log(fromTreeToString(tree, '. '));