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How can I add proper indentation to this HTML generator that I wrote in JavaScript

I wrote a function that takes in an object that represents the DOM tree and outputs HTML strings. I used a DFS approach to traverse the object.

const tree = {
  children: [
    { children: [{ children: ['bar'], tag: 'span' }], tag: 'div' },
    { children: ['baz'], tag: 'div' },
  tag: 'body',

function fromTreeToString(root) {
  if (!root.children) {
    return root
  return (
    `<${root.tag}>` + '\n' +
    `${ => fromTreeToString(node)).join('\n')}` + '\n' +


The output is


I wonder how I can modify this function so that the output has a proper indentation to it. Ideally the output should look like


and ideally the user of this API can customize the indentation e.g. tabs vs. space


  • You could also first use recursion to return an array of lines, and only concatenate them at the end:

    function fromTreeToString(root, indent='\t') {
        const recur = root => root.children ? [
                ...root.children.flatMap(recur).map(s => indent + s),
            ] : root;
        return recur(root).join('\n');
    const tree = {children: [{ children: [{ children: ['bar'], tag: 'span' }], tag: 'div' },{ children: ['baz'], tag: 'div' },],tag: 'body'}
    console.log(fromTreeToString(tree, '. '));