Is it possible to convert these subqueries to join clause?
SELECT ods.*,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders) tot_ords,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE order_confirmed = 'yes') yes_ords,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE order_confirmed = 'no') no_ords
FROM orders ods
ORDER BY ods.order_confirmed = 'yes' DESC
Without joins and without subqueries, using analytics:
SELECT ods.*,
COUNT(*) OVER() tot_ords,
COUNT(case when order_confirmed = 'yes' then 1 else null end) OVER() yes_ords,
COUNT(case when order_confirmed = 'no' then 1 else null end) OVER() no_ords
FROM orders ods
ORDER BY ods.order_confirmed = 'yes' DESC
Using join:
SELECT ods.*,
FROM orders ods
cross join (select
COUNT(*) tot_ords,
COUNT(case when order_confirmed = 'yes' then 1 else null end) yes_ords,
COUNT(case when order_confirmed = 'no' then 1 else null end) no_ords
from orders
) s
ORDER BY ods.order_confirmed = 'yes' DESC