I'm looking to create a simple procedure which will search for the 'In Shout?' column, search for all '#N/A's' in this column and delete these rows.
When I run the below, it doesn't delete the rows and I can't figure out why. Can anyone see why?
Sub DeleteBadRows()
Dim InShout As Long
Dim NA As String
NA = "#N/A"
'Declaring year value of 1 month & 2 month
'This is important to compare datasets from 2 months ago & last month
Year_2M = Format(Date - 57, "YYYY")
'Declaring month value of 1 month & 2 month
'This is important to compare datasets from 2 months ago & last month
Month_2M = Format(Date - 57, "MM")
'This translates the current month from number to character format
MonthChar_2 = MonthName(Month_2M, False)
sheet = "MASTERFILE_" & Year_2M & Month_2M
'setting string values so that we can identify open workbooks
myFile = "Dataset"
otherFile = "Monthly Reporting Tool"
shoutFile = "Copy of Daily Shout"
'if tool wb is open, declare it as MonthlyRepTool
For Each wb In Application.Workbooks
If wb.Name Like otherFile & "*" Then
Set MonthlyRepTool = Workbooks(wb.Name)
End If
Next wb
With MonthlyRepTool.Worksheets(sheet).Rows(1)
Set e = .Find("In Shout?", LookIn:=xlValues)
InShout = e.Column
End With
lastRow = MonthlyRepTool.Worksheets(sheet).Cells(Rows.count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To lastRow Step -1
If MonthlyRepTool.Worksheets(sheet).Cells(i, InShout).value = NA Then
End If
Next i
End Sub
Tested your code. Two things:
Instead of If MonthlyRepTool.Worksheets(sheet).Cells(i, InShout).value = NA Then
use If Application.IsNa(MonthlyRepTool.Worksheets(Sheet).Cells(i, InShout).Value) Then
Instead of For i = 2 To lastRow Step -1
use For i = lastRow To 2 Step -1