Althought I found the build-in types in C work similar to struct type, but i find something different.
No knowledge of assembly language
// @compiler: gcc
// @machine: x64 Windows
#include <stdio.h>
struct IntNode {
int integer;
struct IntNode * next;
int main() {
struct IntNode ints_list = {0, 0};
printf("size of IntNode: %d\n", sizeof(struct IntNode));
printf("Address of ints_list : %p\n", ints_list); // 000000000061FE00
printf("Address of &ints_list : %p\n", &ints_list); // 000000000061FE10
printf("Address of &ints_list.integer: %p\n", &ints_list.integer); // 000000000061FE10
printf("Address of & : %p\n", &; // 000000000061FE18
Why ints_list stand that memory
whether ints_list is in variables table when app is compiled?
is not the address of a structure, &ints_list
is - your first printf
invokes undefined behavior.
can be passed by value, and passing one to printf
(that doesn't have the slightest idea how your structure should be printed) disguised as a pointer produces garbage output.