I found pagination library for Codeigniter 4 on github with this link https://github.com/KejawenLab/CI4Pager . I followed every step, But I get issue on displaying data, I get all the data even I provide a number of limit to be shown per page. But for pagination links it work correct. Please help, how can I limit number of result.
Here is my Code
public function index()
$db = \Config\Database::connect();
$result = $db->query('SELECT * FROM users');
$paginator = \App\Libraries\Paginator::createFromResult($result, 1, 1);
return view('page', ['paginator'=> $paginator]);
<?php foreach($paginator->getResults() as $row):?>
<div><?= $row['username'] ?></div>
<?php endforeach;?>
<?= ci_pager($paginator, [
'base_url' => '/vyombo',
'current_text' => 'Current Page',
'total_text' => 'Total Records',
There's no need for an external library. Codeigniter 4 supports pagination out of the box.
You can either paginate query results or manually paginate the array.
In case you're doing the queries right in the controller, and that is far from ideal. In your case you want to create a model to handle that and then use that model.
// In the Controller
public function index()
$userModel = new \App\Models\UserModel();
$pageModel = new \App\Models\PageModel();
$data = [
'users' => $userModel->paginate(10, 'group1'),
'pages' => $pageModel->paginate(15, 'group2'),
'pager' => $userModel->pager
echo view('users/index', $data);
Then in your view you can either get the full links or simple links.
// In the views:
<?= $pager->links('group1') ?>
<?= $pager->simpleLinks('group2') ?>
In case you still want to manually paginate your query you can do something like this:
Lets say you have a query string called page=1. Then you want 10 elements per page.
Just do your query like:
$limit = 10;
$offset = 10 * ($_GET['page'] - 1);
FROM articles
LIMIT $limit, $offset;
Then to print the pagination links in your view you would just use:
<?= $pager->makeLinks($_GET['page'], $limit, $total) ?>
So for your pagination you always need two queries. One that will give you the current page and another one to give you the total results.