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Unable to record screen sharing in Skype for Business

My company recently migrated from Lync 2013 to Skype for Business Desktop. When I record a meeting in Skype, I no longer am able to record any screen sharing. It worked in Lync 2013. According to which says:

When you record a Skype for Business Meeting, you capture audio, video, instant messaging (IM), screen sharing, PowerPoint slides, whiteboard activity, and polling. Any of the presenters can record a meeting and save it on their computers.

I have multiple monitors set up; I tried sharing my primary desktop and tried sharing a specific program on my primary desktop, and neither approach saved the shared screen. It just recorded audio.

[Update] Additional details originally added as a comment about a month after initial post:

I do have a Targus USB 3.0 ACA038US video driver plugged into my docking station so I can have three screens. Skype recognizes all three screens when I share, but nothing is recorded. I tried sharing just a program and that did not work either. I disabled the monitor using USB video driver and that did not help either. I did not try unplugging the USB adapter yet.


  • I found out a month after my original post that I am able to successfully record screen sharing when working from home, where I am not using the Targus USB video driver. I do have two screens at home; the laptop, and a monitor plugged into the docking station, so the problem appears to be the Targus hardware or Targus driver.