Based on the following table of tasks:
P1 Task 1 16/03/2021 19/03/2021 AAA
P1 Task 2 16/03/2021 19/03/2021 BBB
P1 Task 3 31/03/2021 31/03/2021 AAA
P2 Task 4 06/04/2021 07/04/2021
P2 Task 5 17/03/2021 07/04/2021 BBB
P2 Task 6 20/04/2021 15/04/2021
P3 Task 7 06/04/2021 15/04/2021 CCC
I am trying to build the following plannings :
IN CHARGE 16/03 17/03 18/03 19/03
AAA P1 P1 P1 P1
BBB P1 P1/P2 P1/P2 P1/P2
Currently, I am doing this using the following formula, but I need to put it in each cell for it to work, which gets very slow when the number of distinct values of persons in charge is large.
Is there an efficient way to compute this ?
I got a generic example on this link :
I'm not sure whether you can do it efficiently using only formulas, but you can use Google App Script to implement your function optimally in javascript.
You can initially collect the set of owners and the list of all days, then construct the resulting table by iterating over the tasks.
Here is an example implementation:
And the javascript code:
class Task{
* @param {[string, string, Date, Date][]} tasks
constructor(cells) {
this.project = cells[0];
this.owner = cells[1];
this.start = cells[2];
this.end = cells[3];
* @param {[string, string, Date, Date][]} tasks
function makeTimeSheet(task_cells) {
task_cells = remove_empty(task_cells);
const tasks = => new Task(cells));
console.log(`Running makeTimeSheet on the following ${tasks.length} tasks`);
const start = new Date(Math.min( => t.start)));
const end = new Date(Math.max( => t.end)));
const header = ["", ...days_in_task({start, end})];
const results = owners_dates(tasks);
const table = final_table(results, start);
console.log(`Returning a table with ${table.length} lines and ${table[0].length} columns`);
return table;
* In an array of arrays, remove all the empty inner arrays.
* This is required to work on infinite google sheet ranges
function remove_empty(arr){
return arr.filter(arr => arr.some(x => x));
* @param {{start:Date, end:Date}} task
function* days_in_task(task) {
const day = 24*60*60*1000;
const duration = task.end - task.start;
if (duration < 0 || duration > 365*day) throw new Error(`Invalid task: ${JSON.stringify(task)}`);
let d = new Date(task.start);
while(d <= task.end) {
yield d;
d = new Date(d.getTime()+day);
// Given a map and a key,
// returns the value associates with the given key in the map if it exists
// otherwise insert a value using the given default_val function and returns it
function get_or_default(map, key, default_val){
let value = map.get(key);
if (value === undefined) {
value = default_val();
map.set(key, value);
return value;
// Returns a mapping from owner to a mapping from dates to projects
function owners_dates(tasks){
const result = new Map();
for(const task of tasks) {
const owner = get_or_default(result, task.owner, () => new Map);
for(const date of days_in_task(task)) {
const projects = get_or_default(owner, date.getTime(), () => new Set);
return result;
function final_table(results, start) {
const day = 24*60*60*1000;
return Array.from(results).map(([owner, dates])=> {
const line = [owner];
for([date, projects] of dates) {
line[1 + (date - start)/day] = [...projects].join(", ")
return line;