I am wondering if it is possible to pass multiple IDs to a useQuery
for apollo hook. Or run a single query per ID, and if so how would I go about doing so.
I have the following query
const DECOR_SHEET = gql`
query GetDecorSheet($id: ID!) {
and the following useQuery
const { loading, error, data: sheetData } = useQuery(DECOR_SHEET, {
variables: { id: id },
context: {
headers: {
authorization: cookieBearer,
I have the following IDs 293164663883956749, 293526016787218952
and I would like to return into one object in order to render into a component.
I am using Fauna DB and this is the input graphQL schema
type Catalog {
decor: Boolean
clothing: Boolean
supplies: Boolean
furniture: Boolean
owner: User
type Decor {
description: String
pieces: Int
purchaser: String
alterations: Boolean
cost: Int
purchaseDate: Date
category: String
image: String
itemNum: Int
owner: User!
visible: Boolean
type DecorSheet {
sheetName: String
refIdArray: String
owner: User!
type User {
email: String! @unique
catalog: Catalog
decor: [Decor!] @relation
decorSheet: [DecorSheet!] @relation
and this is the generated schema
directive @embedded on OBJECT
directive @collection(name: String!) on OBJECT
directive @index(name: String!) on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @resolver(
name: String
paginated: Boolean! = false
directive @relation(name: String) on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @unique(index: String) on FIELD_DEFINITION
type Catalog {
_id: ID!
decor: Boolean
clothing: Boolean
supplies: Boolean
owner: User
furniture: Boolean
_ts: Long!
input CatalogInput {
decor: Boolean
clothing: Boolean
supplies: Boolean
furniture: Boolean
owner: CatalogOwnerRelation
input CatalogOwnerRelation {
create: UserInput
connect: ID
disconnect: Boolean
scalar Date
type Decor {
purchaseDate: Date
visible: Boolean
image: String
description: String
_id: ID!
alterations: Boolean
cost: Int
pieces: Int
category: String
owner: User!
purchaser: String
itemNum: Int
_ts: Long!
input DecorInput {
description: String
pieces: Int
purchaser: String
alterations: Boolean
cost: Int
purchaseDate: Date
category: String
image: String
itemNum: Int
owner: DecorOwnerRelation
visible: Boolean
input DecorOwnerRelation {
create: UserInput
connect: ID
type DecorPage {
data: [Decor]!
after: String
before: String
type DecorSheet {
refIdArray: String
_id: ID!
sheetName: String
owner: User!
_ts: Long!
input DecorSheetInput {
sheetName: String
refIdArray: String
owner: DecorSheetOwnerRelation
input DecorSheetOwnerRelation {
create: UserInput
connect: ID
type DecorSheetPage {
data: [DecorSheet]!
after: String
before: String
scalar Long
type Mutation {
id: ID!
data: UserInput!
): User
createUser(data: UserInput!): User!
createDecorSheet(data: DecorSheetInput!): DecorSheet!
createDecor(data: DecorInput!): Decor!
deleteCatalog(id: ID!): Catalog
id: ID!
data: CatalogInput!
): Catalog
id: ID!
data: DecorInput!
): Decor
id: ID!
data: DecorSheetInput!
): DecorSheet
deleteDecor(id: ID!): Decor
deleteUser(id: ID!): User
createCatalog(data: CatalogInput!): Catalog!
deleteDecorSheet(id: ID!): DecorSheet
type Query {
findUserByID(id: ID!): User
findCatalogByID(id: ID!): Catalog
findDecorByID(id: ID!): Decor
findDecorSheetByID(id: ID!): DecorSheet
scalar Time
type User {
catalog: Catalog
email: String!
_id: ID!
_size: Int
_cursor: String
): DecorPage!
_size: Int
_cursor: String
): DecorSheetPage!
_ts: Long!
input UserCatalogRelation {
create: CatalogInput
connect: ID
disconnect: Boolean
input UserDecorRelation {
create: [DecorInput]
connect: [ID]
disconnect: [ID]
input UserDecorSheetRelation {
create: [DecorSheetInput]
connect: [ID]
disconnect: [ID]
input UserInput {
email: String!
catalog: UserCatalogRelation
decor: UserDecorRelation
decorSheet: UserDecorSheetRelation
There is an option to query with Fauna's FQL which may have a way of querying multiple IDs I will have to look into that, but would prefer to do this in graphQL with apollo if possible.
Thanks ahead of time
If it's always exactly two ids, you can fetch both objects in a single query easily using field aliases:
const DECOR_SHEET = gql`
query GetDecorSheet($firstId: ID!, $secondId: ID!) {
firstDecorSheet: findDecorSheetByID(id: $firstId) {
secondDecorSheet: findDecorSheetByID(id: $secondId) {