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Psalm annotation for multiple-type template

I need to build a trait (or class for that matter) on which I can template multiple types; I've tried something like the following (also descriptive of the problem; the car context is just for illustrating the problem, I know a car is supposed to be aggregated not composed but this is not the issue to discuss):

  * @template TyreType of Tyre
  * @template EngineType of Engine
trait Car {
      * @return TyreType
    public function getTyre(): Tyre {

      * @return EngineType
    public function getEngine(): Engine{

trait SomeCar {
     * @use Car<AirlessTyre><DieselEngine>
    use Car;

    public function test() {

class Engine{}
class Tyre{}
class DieselEngine extends Engine {
    public function dieselSpecificMethod() {}
class AirlessTyre extends Tyre {}

The problem is, in PhpStorm I get "Potentially polymorphic call. Engine does not have members in its hierarchy" on dieselSpecificMethod().

So my questions are:

  • Does psalm support multiple-type templating as I'm trying to achieve
  • Am I missing the correct semantics in the example above; how should I annotate this?
  • Or is it just a PhpStorm limitation


  • Psalm does support multiple type parameters. The correct syntax to use them is GenericType<TA, TB> (GenericType<TA><TB> that you used is not recognized). With that problem fixed (and a couple of more suppressed, to get rid of unnecessary noise) this becomes:

      * @template TyreType of Tyre
      * @template EngineType of Engine
    trait Car {
          * @return TyreType
          * @psalm-suppress InvalidReturnType
        public function getTyre(): Tyre {
          * @return EngineType
          * @psalm-suppress InvalidReturnType
        public function getEngine(): Engine{
    trait SomeCar {
         * @use Car<AirlessTyre,DieselEngine>
        use Car;
        public function test():void {
    class FordCar { use SomeCar; }
    class Engine{}
    class Tyre{}
    class DieselEngine extends Engine {
        public function dieselSpecificMethod():void {}
    class WarpEngine extends Engine {
        public function warp(int $speed): void {}
    class AirlessTyre extends Tyre {}

    Psalm can tell you Ford certainly doesn't have warp engine capabilities: Note the correct syntax to reference generic trait in @use annotation.