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birt Problem with json_unquote with mysql

When i am trying to display the results with json_unquote its showing HEX numbers in the birt. This is the output when i tried it from workbench

This is the output when i tried it from Eclipse birt reporting

DB Script for creation of table:

CREATE TABLE action_data1 ( id_ref bigint NOT NULL, data_map text, PRIMARY KEY (id_ref) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;

Rptdesign was attached here


  • mysql> select json_unquote(json_extract('{"test":"abc"}','$.test')) as test;
    | test |
    | abc  |

    It seems to work OK, so more input is needed.


    seeing Brit return Mysql string concatenated field as a blob

    you can try this:

    select convert(json_unquote(json_extract(data_map,'$')),CHAR);