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How do I make it so that the user can choose the gender of a person?

Please tell me, I put a variable in the enum constructor that shows the gender of a person male and female. I want the user to choose what gender They will be. For Example, 1-Husband, 2-Wife. How do I do this?

        Gender gen =  Gender.MAN;
        Person person1 = new Person(gen);
        ArrayList <Person> people = new ArrayList<>();

```  public class Person {
    private  Gender gen;
    public Person ( Gender gen){
        this.gen = gen;

``` public enum Gender {
    private String translation;
    Gender(String translation){
        this.translation = translation;
    public String getGender(){
        return translation;
} ```


  • Artemy, Is this what you mean?

    public enum Gender {
        MAN("Man", "1", "M"),
        WOMAN("Woman", "2", "W");
        private List<String> translation;
        Gender(String... translation) {
            this.translation = Arrays.asList(translation);
        public static Gender getGender(String value) {
            if (MAN.translation.contains(value)) {
                return MAN;
            } else if (WOMAN.translation.contains(value)) {
                return WOMAN;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(value);