I am currently getting back 2 sets of times based of some json data. I want to be able to compare the current local time and check if its greater or less then any date in my json scheme.
const result = [
"carId": "13122656-169f-45fa-be47-26c9d23dcb7b",
"carInstances": [
"carInstanceId": "47209558-f9e1-4f81-a600-5da6ce238a6e",
"carTime": "2020-09-23T21:45:00.000+0000",
"state": "COMPLETE",
"isPaused": false,
"carId": "13122656-169f-45fa-be47-26c9d23dcb7b",
"carInstances": [
"carInstanceId": "47209558-f9e1-4f81-a600-5da6ce238a6e",
"carTime": "2020-09-23T21:45:00.000+0000",
"state": "COMPLETE",
"isPaused": false,
const timeAgo = (date) => {
const now = DateTime.local();
const past = DateTime.fromISO(date);
const diff = past.diff(now, 'minutes');
return Math.floor(diff.minutes);
const listCarTime = (res) => {
return res.reduce((acc, car) => {
acc.push(...car.carInstances.map((instance) => instance.carTime));
return acc;
}, []);
console.log('result', timeAgo(results)); <----Returns NAN
You are passing result ( an array ) to timeAgo(date) function which expect iso format date and then ( as date parameter ) trying parse it what cant work. Your function work correctly when you pass correct argument.. you can try with proper iso date.
timeAgo("2020-09-23T21:45:00.000+0000") // return 255017.36843333332
const diffrences = result.map( res => res.carInstances.map( ins => timeAgo(ins.carTime) )).flat()
console.log("result", diffrences )