I have a Glossary.json file created as
"glossary": {
"program": "A set of instructions",
"OS": "Operating System"
Then I have a jolie file written as
include "file.iol"
type GlossaryRequest { queryWord : string }
type Glossary { glossary : string }
interface GlossaryInterface {
RequestResponse : fetchDefinition (GlossaryRequest) (Glossary)
service GlossaryService {
inputPort GlossaryInput {
location: "socket://localhost:8081"
protocol: http { format = "json" }
interfaces: GlossaryInterface
main {
readFile@File( {
filename = "glossary.json"
format = "json"
} )( data )
fetchDefinition (request) (response) {
key = "data.glossary." + request.queryWord
response.glossary = key //This is the line concerned
Since the queryWord will be dynamic, based on the user's input, I need to form the key and then evaluate it and return the response.
I want this line to be
response.glossary = data.glossary.OS or data.glossary.program, based on the input to URL
The URL would be "http://localhost:8081/fetchDefinition?queryWord=program
Any hint or direction to achieve this? Otherwise, how can I search for the input string in data?
If I had searched for a few more examples on the Jolie documents page, I need not have posted this question. Anyways, I found the answer to my question under the "Dynamic Binding".
Answer is to use it this way:
response.glossary = data.glossary.(request.queryWord)