I am using K8S version 19.
I tried to install second nginx-ingress controller on my server (I have already one for Linux so I tried to install for Windows as well)
helm install nginx-ingress-win ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx
-f internal-ingress.yaml
--set controller.nodeSelector."beta\.kubernetes\.io/os"=windows
--set defaultBackend.nodeSelector."beta\.kubernetes\.io/os"=windows
--set controller.admissionWebhooks.patch.nodeSelector."beta\.kubernetes\.io/os"=windows
--set tcp.9000="default/frontarena-ads-win-test:9000"
This failed with "Error: failed pre-install: timed out waiting for the condition".
So I have run helm uninstall to remove that chart
helm uninstall nginx-ingress-win
release "nginx-ingress-win" uninstalled
But I am getting Validation Webhook Pod created constantly
kubectl get pods
nginx-ingress-win-ingress-nginx-admission-create-f2qcx 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 41m
I delete pod with kubectl delete pod
but it get created again and again.
I tried also
kubectl delete -A ValidatingWebhookConfiguration nginx-ingress-win-ingress-nginx-admission
but I am getting message not found
for all combinations. How I can resolve this and how I can get rid off this?
Thank you!!!
If this Pod
is managed by a Deployment
etc., it will be automatically recreated every time you delete it, so trying to remove a Pod
in most situations makes not much sense.
If you want to check what controlls this Pod
, run:
kubectl describe pod nginx-ingress-win-ingress-nginx-admission-create-f2qcx | grep Controlled
You would probably see some ReplicaSet
, which is also managed by a Deployment
or another object. Suppose I want to check what I should delete to get rid of my nginx-deployment-574b87c764-kjpf6
. I can do this as follows:
$ kubectl describe pod nginx-deployment-574b87c764-kjpf6 | grep -i controlled
Controlled By: ReplicaSet/nginx-deployment-574b87c764
then I need to run again kubectl describe
on the name of the ReplicaSet
we found:
$ kubectl describe rs nginx-deployment-574b87c764 | grep -i controlled
Controlled By: Deployment/nginx-deployment
Finally we can see that it is managed by a Deployment
named nginx-deployment
and this is the resource we need to delete to get rid of our nginx-deployment-574b87c764-kjpf6